Construction projects should be safe workplaces. Workers, supervisors and employers are all responsible for safety. Construction site safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Safety First: OHS information for workers
The purpose of this guide is to help you understand the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) and your role in ensuring health and safety at the work site.
Our Partners
Troy Demolition is working towards becoming SECOR Certified (Small Employer Certificate of Recognition) through the Alberta Construction Safety Association and operates in accordance Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. We operate fully insured and our employees are covered by WCB.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and positive work environment for each employee. We strive to ensure that all employees are properly trained for each task they are assigned to. Before any work is conducted, all employees and supervisors are required to fill out and maintain their FLHA (Field Level Hazard Assessments). Identifying potential hazards and having controls in place to help eliminate the risk of injury, is how Troy Demolition continues to ensure all projects are completed safely.